The Club’s History.....
A brief History of the Club
The Club was first formed in the 1970’s as a breed specific club, for German
Shepherds and run by Ella Dickens, based in the nearby Forster Institute in Linslade.
Ella subsequently widened the scope to include all breeds of dogs and continued with
the Club up till about 1997.
The Club was then run by a variety of individuals on a small business basis.
In October 2003 it was suddenly announced, that the Club was about to close,
leaving only it’s name, equipment and very little else.
The then members decided to take over the running of the Club with Karen Waite as
Chief Instructor, supported by a small committee and a couple of Instructors: Jackie
Dimmer and Christine Stratford.
Following concerted efforts to raise funds to enable it to continue operations, the Club
re-established itself and ultimately succeeded in gaining Kennel Club Listed Status in
Karen was succeeded by Jackie as Chief Instructor in 2007, who in turn was followed
by Rona Tyson in 2011.